Temporary Residence

Study Permits

Do you want to study in Canda? Are you eligible for a Study Permit?

  • Already got a letter of acceptance from a Canadian College or University, but afraid of what you hear about high refusal rates for study permit applications? We can help give you the best shot to realize your dream of studying in Canada.

Is this Visa for you?

Have you gained admission into a Canadian college, or university for a program of 6 months or longer?

Do you hope to build a strong case for an eventual permanent resident application for Canada?

Do you have savings available to support your study in Canada?

How much money do I need to have in order to come to Canada to study?

This answer depends on where you want to study, what you want to study, the cost of the program and your living expenses while in Canada (do you want to live in student housing, or in a luxury penthouse apartment in the city center?). Ultimately each case is different, and we want to make sure you have sufficient funds to be able to cover, tuition, rent and reasonable expenses during your stay in Canada

Do you help me find a school and gain admission to study in Canada?

We do not, we can give some guidance to make sure your school is eligible for a work permit upon graduation and give you some general feedback on your application, but we don’t have any partnerships as agents with educational institutions to help you in gaining admission. Our business is immigration, and we want to focus on giving you the best possible immigration advice for your individual circumstances.

Need Bienvenido help?

Prefer speaking with a human to filling out a form? call office and we will connect you with a team member who can help.


Immigration consulting firm, specializing in permanent and temporary residence applications for Canada

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