Everything You Need to Know About sponsoring Your Partner for Permanent Residence in Canada

Image: Unsplash Ave Calvar

If you're in a relationship with with a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident but you're not married, your partner may still be eligible for an open work permit in Canada. All you need to do is establish that your relationship is legitimate and that you meet the definition of common-law partners, and you can then submit a sponsorship application and get a work permit while you wait for the application to be processed. 

Sponsoring your partner for permanent residence in Canada is a two-step process. First, you need to be approved as a sponsor. . Once this is done, your relationship is evaluated and the government makes sure that you meet all of the other criteria (security, health, and criminality) to be granted PR in Canada. This all starts by submitting a strong and complete application for spousal/common-law sponsorship If you're both approved, your partner will become a permanent resident of Canada.

Is my partner eligible for an open work permit in Canada?

if you're looking to move to Canada with your partner, be sure to check whether they might be eligible for an open work permit. This will allow them to work for any Canadian employer and begin to build their life and contribute to their new home.

Step 1: Get Approved as a Sponsor

The first step in sponsoring your partner for permanent residence in Canada is to get approved as a sponsor. To do this, you need to meet certain eligibility requirements.

First, you must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada. You also must be 18 years of age or older.

Second, you must live in Canada, or intend to reside here/come back once your partner becomes a permanent resident.

This is called proving your intention to reside in Canada, and is required for sponsors who are living outside of Canada. You can't sponsor your partner if you’re a Permanent Resident, but you are living outside of Canada.

This is a right that is only reserved for Canadian Citizens.

Third, you'll need to prove that you can support your partner financially. This means that you'll need to show that you have enough money to support yourself and any other dependent family members who live with you PLUS the number one additional person (PLUS your partner).

There are three main ways to show financial support:

  1. - by providing one year's worth of income tax returns;
  2. - by providing three months' worth of pay stubs; or
  3. - by providing a letter from an employer that outlines each month's salary over the next 12 months from the date when sponsorship is approved

You'll also need to sign an agreement that says you'll provide basic financial support for your partner during their first five years in Canada (or longer, if they require social assistance). This is called an undertaking. The undertaking is a legally binding document that says you agree to financially support them and ensures that new immigrants don't become burdens on Canada's social assistance system during their first few years in the country

Step 2: Processing your partner’s application for Permanent Residence

After you've been approved as a sponsor, your next step is to wait to get a decision on your partner’s eligibility to become a Permanent Resident of Canada. There is no need to make more submissions to the government at this point unless they ask you to. They will be determining the following about your spouse to see if they are eligible for Permanent Residence:


  1. Are there any security concerns, arrests, charges, and criminality that could make them inadmissible to Canada and ineligible to receive Permanent Residence. For this they will evaluate the police clearances that have been submitted either with the initial application, or that we’re requested during processing.
  2. Are there any health concerns that would be a threat to Canadian society. For this your partner will be asked to undergo a medical exam. Please not that even with health concerns your partner could still successfully gain permanent residence in Canada with the right strategy.
  3. They will determine if your relationship is legitimate and not being entered into only for the purposes of gaining immigration status in Canada.

Help your partner apply for permanent residence this involves completing some of the things you will have to submit with this application include proof that they meet the basic requirements, such as:

  1. their passport ,
  2. birth certificate ,
  3. photographs
  4. proof of relationship
  5. employment authorization (if needed)
  6. police certificates
  7. medical examinations and
  8. application fees

After completing all the necessary forms and documents, your partner will submit their application to Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) . An immigration officer will then review their application and assess whether they meet all the requirements to immigrate to Canada.

If everything looks good, they'll issue an immigrant visa, which will allow them permanently enter and live in Canada. And that's it!

Once your partner receives their immigrant visa, they'll be on their way to becoming a permanent resident of Canada.

Provided that both partners meet all the necessary requirements , it's fairly straightforward process

So if you're in love with someone who doesn't currently have Canadian citizenship or permanent residency status , don't despair— there may still be hope yet!

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