
Citizenship for permanent residents

Attain your dream! Get prepared for a Canadian Citizenship, We can help!

  • Let us help you get what you need to finally apply for your Canadian Passport! Get prepared for Canadian Citizenship, and take the last step in your immigration journey.

Is this citizenship pathway for you?

Are you currently a permanent resident of Canada, and living inside of Canada?

Have you spent at least 3 years, in the last 5 years since obtaining permanent residence inside of Canada?

Are you wanting the benefits of Canadian citizenship including a Canadian passport, the right to vote and other important benefits?

I have time spent here on a work permit, can I use this time towards my days as a permanent resident in order to accomplish the 1095 days needed to apply?

Yes, you can use ½ of the days spent in Canada as a temporary resident (work permit, study permit, refugee claimant etc.) to a maximum of 1 year. This means you can get your citizenship 2 years after becoming a PR if you have not left Canada at all? 

Question: I have been outside of Canada a lot over the past 3 years, but I have been with my Canadian citizen spouse.

Can I still apply for citizenship?

Unfortunately this rule applies only to days to maintain your status as a PR. In some rare cases (like your Canadian spouse being on a government assignment overseas as a crown servant for example) these days may be used for a citizenship physical presence calculation, but overall, they are not usable.

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Immigration consulting firm, specializing in permanent and temporary residence applications for Canada

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